Cinderella Score, created by Claire Cowan
$30,000 – Supported by the Auckland En Pointe Patrons
The Auckland En Pointe Patrons very generously supported the creation of Claire Cowan’s score the RNZB’s brand-new Cinderella by Loughlan Prior. This will be a thrilling new production and we are pleased to support Claire’s creative process through this initiative.
The Firebird, Schools’ Matinee Auckland
Supported by Andy Coster
Andy’s generous donation to this initiative meant that hundreds of students from low decile schools in Auckland were able to attend the thrilling performance of The Firebird at the Aotea Centre. For many, this was their very first introduction to a ballet performance on stage.
Relaxed Sensory Friendly performance and workshop series
$11,000 – Supported by Fran Wyborn
Performance date: Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 August 2021
Presented at Manukau Vodafone Events Centre, this series included three performances and dance workshops including one relaxed performance, one narrated in English with accompanying sign language for hearing impaired and one in Te Reo. Prior to these performances, workshops were offered free for the schools attending to provide an all-round experience of the ballet and theatre for children. In 2021, the show was The Ugly Duckling.
Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation Scholarship
Supported by Anonymous
This Scholarship supports a young Kiwi dancer at the Royal New Zealand Ballet as they work to realise their potential in this most demanding of professions. The Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation Scholar sits alongside the two Friedlander Foundation Scholars and the long-standing and prestigious Todd Scholar, expanding the pathways available for talented young New Zealanders to pursue professional careers in dance in Aotearoa.
The inaugural Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation Scholar was Jemima Scott.
Barbara Webster Memorial Scholarship
$10,000 – Supported by a bequest in memory of Barbara Webster
Establish in 2017, this scholarship provided $2,000 per annum to a classical ballet student studying at the New Zealand School of Dance, official school of the Royal New Zealand Ballet.
The 2021 recipient was Tsuyumi Wilson-Travis.