2021 Annual Report
Despite the ongoing impact of Covid 19 on our activities, support for the recently established Auckland En Pointe Patrons continues to grow and a Wellington En Pointe Patrons’ scheme has now been launched.
New initiatives:
We partnered with Visa Wellington on a Plate for “A Midsummer Night’s Feast” to coincide with the RNZB season of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
We launched a Wellington En Pointe Patrons’ scheme.
We established the RNZB Foundation Scholar at the RNZB, with support from an anonymous donor.
We supported RNZB Education projects directly from two Auckland En Pointe Patrons: The Firebird School’s Matinee in Auckland for students from low decile schools and a relaxed sensory friendly performance and workshop series.
We held a fundraising event to raise funds for a new sprung floor for the Isaac Theatre Royal in Christchurch.
We held our first event in Wanaka, a dinner coinciding with the RNZB’s performances at the Wanaka Festival of Colour.
Loughlan Prior (left) choreographs Cinderella in the RNZB studios. En Pointe Patrons supported the creation of the score for Cinderella. Rehearsed by RNZB Soloist Joshua Guillemot-Rodgerson and Artist Shae Berney. Photo by Stephen A’Court.
Working with the RNZB:
We launched our Wellington En Pointe Patrons’ scheme at a restricted-audience presentation of RNZB RAW – new works created by dancers from the company.
Grants to the RNZB totaled $100,725 (total grants $102,725).
Schools’ matinee performance of The Firebird at the Aotea Centre in Auckland. Photo by Antworks Studio.
By the numbers:
Events in Auckland, Wellington and Wanaka hosted more than 400 guests
22 volunteers supported our fundraising efforts
Wanaka Festival of Colour Dinner raised $27,050
$30,000 grant made to the RNZB to commission Claire Cowan’s creation of the score for Cinderella
$10,000 grant made to the RNZB for Auckland school’s matinee performance of The Firebird
$11,000 grant made to the RNZB for Relaxed sensory friendly performance and workshop series at Vodafone Event Centre, Manukau
$5,500 grant made to RNZB towards the sprung floor for the Isaac Theatre Royal in Christchurch
$4,000 sponsorship of the South Island Ballet Awards in Christchurch
$2,000 Barbara Webster Scholarship for a student at the New Zealand School of Dance
Dinner with RNZB Foundation and RNZB in Wanaka during Festival of Colour April 2021.
Craig’s Investment Partners continues to manage the Foundation’s funds under a Discretionary Investment Management Service. With the retirement of our adviser in Whanganui, management of the portfolio moved to Craigs’ Christchurch office.
Conservative investments and granting policy resulted in continued growth of the Foundation’s investments.
Other Activities:
Total notified bequests are 17; our supporters and donors continue to grow.
Throughout 2021 Jane Meares (Chairperson), Lady Lilias Bell, Louise Binns, Sarah Cole, Ann-Louise Gower, Isaac Hikaka, Melanie Morris, Victoria Muir and Ian Webster remained as Trustees.
Trustees are appointed in accordance with clause 7.3 of our Rules and, in addition to the skills outlined, the Board has regard to the need for representation from different regions within New Zealand. We were pleased to continue to have representation from each of New Zealand’s four main centres. The Foundation endeavours to have national reach.
Auckland is represented by 4 trustees, Wellington by 3, Christchurch by 1 and Dunedin by 1.
The Auckland Trustees are supported by a Committee including Ian Webster (Chair), Louise Binns, Sarah Cole, Diane Field, Isaac Hikaka, Sarah Reid and Carol Ross.
Wellington Trustees are support by a Committee including Ann-Louise Gower (Chair), Lady Susan Arnold, Lady Lilias Bell, Sarah Bartlett, Jane Meares, Sarah Singleton and Anna Hinderwell.
Christchurch Trustees are supported by a Committee including Melanie Morris (Chair) and Ros Burdon.
Dunedin/Otago Trustees are supported by a Committee including Victoria Muir (Chair), Claire Hazledine (Queenstown), Vickie Fulton (Wanaka).
Hawkes Bay Committee Lenise Lendrum, Nathanael Skelton, Clare Gordon.
The Foundation could not exist without the unstinting support and indefatigable effort of my fellow trustees and all the subcommittee members. They give voluntarily and generously of their time and other resources and contribute to the Foundation with their enthusiasm and vision.
Jane Meares
Chair of the Ballet Foundation